The Isles of Scilly Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (IFCA) are responsible for ensuring that fish and shellfish around the Isles of Scilly are managed for all users and sustainable into the future. Recreational or 'hobby' fishing is popular around the islands. There are national and local laws which recreational fishers need to be aware of, as well as aspects of good practice which are important to ensure that the activity is safe and sustainable. Below we have provided some FAQs. A detailed guide to measuring your catch is available to download
What is hobby fishing?
Many people catch fish and shellfish for their own use. The most important distinction is that fish caught recreationally cannot be sold. Without a licence to fish commercially it is illegal to sell fish or shellfish, and buyers of ‘first sale’ fish such as hotels and restaurants must be registered.
Good practice or legal requirement?
All fishermen (whether commercial or recreational) can only land fish and shellfish that are above a ‘minimum size’. These sizes are established through national rules and local byelaws. There are also a number of voluntary agreements and good practice which those fishing recreationally should be aware of. Below we explain which are legal requirements and which are good practice.
Legal requirement
Recreational Fixed Gear Byelaw
All local and visiting hobby (recreational) fishers are required to have a permit and tags.
Permits and tags will be issued from March 2022 and will be a requirement from this point onwards.
A copy of the byelaw can be seen
and an application form can be downloaded
. A tag is required for each pot and costs £3 each. There is a maximum of 6 pots per person. The tag should be secured on the rope just below the marker buoy. If there are several pots on a single marker buoy then the requisite number of tags should be attached. Payments can be taken at the library at Porthcressa, the gym at Carn Gwaval by cash or credit card, or over the phone on 01720 424400.
Minimum sizes
All hobby fishermen need to adhere to EU minimum landing sizes for fish and shellfish. We have provided a guide
Lobsters and crawfish carrying eggs
Under national law, ‘berried’ (egg bearing) female lobsters and crawfish must be returned to the sea so that those eggs can be carried until they are ready to hatch.
In order to protect breeding lobsters, some fishermen voluntarily cut a small ‘V’ shaped notch in one of central tail flaps of a lobster or crawfish that is carrying eggs. Commercial fishermen voluntarily return these ‘V’ notched lobsters (even if they are above minimum landing size) so that they are able to breed. Those fishing recreationally are also obliged by law to return berried lobsters.
Those spearfishing must also comply with the minimum sizes for fish and shellfish.
Good practice
Safely deploying your gear
It is important that recreational potting is done safely. Pots should not be set in the principal navigation channels and the line between attached to the buoy should be weighted so that it does not present a potential for entanglement in propellers.
Marking your gear
Marking your gear with your name is good practice, and something that is being encouraged across the globe to reduce the amount of gear that is lost and continues to fish, so called ‘ghost fishing’. This also enables other fishermen to return any gear that is found.
The Isles of Scilly have one of the last remaining fisheries for crawfish (spiny lobster) in England. The numbers of this species have declined across England over the last 20 to 30 years, but there are some signs that populations may be starting a slow recovery. This species has been identified as a priority conservation species nationally and therefore we have to be very careful about what we take.