The Isles of Scilly has four Byelaws. They are designed to ensure that the marine resources of the district are sustainably managed. They all apply within the whole of the Isles of Sea Fisheries District within a line drawn from the seaward side of 1983 baslines to six nautical miles.
Lobster Minimum Landing Size
The ‘Lobster Minimum Landing Size’ Byelaw requires all commercial and hobby fishermen to ensure that no lobsters with a carapace length of less than 90 mm carapace length are landed. The Byelaw is designed to help protect populations of lobsters by increasing the minimum conservation reference size. This minimum size is the same as required in Cornwall and Devon. The byelaw applies to both commercial and recreational fishers. The
2017 National Statutory Instrument
prohibiting the landing of berried, v-notched or mutilated lobsters also applies
Fishing Gear Permit Byelaw 2021The purpose of the Fishing Gear Permit Byelaw (2021) is to manage fishing activities within the District and to enable the Authority to protect habitats and species within the Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and beyond to include the Bristows to the Stones MCZ. The byelaw sets a maximum vessel size and enables the management of the use of towed fishing gear and the protection of the marine environment throughout the District. The byelaw also controls accesss of vessels using towed gears within the Isles of Scilly Special Area of Conservation.
Crawfish Minimum Landing Size Byelaw 2020The Crawfish Minimum Landing Size Byelaw requires all commercial and hobby fishermen to ensure that no crawfish (also known as spiny lobster, Palinurus elephas) less than 110mm carapace length are landed. The purpose of the byelaw is to support the sustainable harvest of crawfish within the district.
Recreational Fixed Gear Permit Byelaw 2020The Recreational Fixed Gear Permit Byelaw requires non-commercial 'hobby' or recreational fishers to have a permit and attach tags to mooring buoys for up to a maximum of six pots. The purpose of the byelaw is to ensure that the Authority is able to manage recreational potting activity, have a complete understanding of potting effort in the district and establish a reasonable benchmark for the number of pots that can be used by recreational fishers.